Saturday, June 09, 2007

Popcorn for Dummies

I am probably the only person in the world that didn't know (until about a week ago) that one could make popcorn in a regular pan on the stove. Growing up my family always had a popcorn maker and I assumed one had to have one - or else go with the microwave variety - in order to pop popcorn. Not so. And it's way easy. Just put 2 tablespoons oil and three kernels in a heavy 3-quart pan with a lid (by the way, All-Clad makes the best pans ever), put it over medium heat until one pops, then dump in 1/3 cup popcorn and shake the pan over the heat until they all pop.

I got a little thrill doing it for the first time. I love learning new things (even if they are things that everyone else knows already). I love popcorn, too. Ah, for the day when S is weaned and I can drown it in melted butter....


Holly said...

You inspired us. Your popcorn looked so good, we had to have popcorn. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could still eat popcorn. Luv that stuff. So you can't eat butter while you are nursing, really? I'm such a dummy. I didn't know that.

Bob said...

It isn't a rule for anyone who's nursing, my wife has to lay off the stuff because our daughters both turned out to be allergic to milk. And thus my long-suffering wife is restricted from butter, milk, cheese, ice cream, etc.

Cheryl said...

You're not the only person at all! I didn't realize you could do that either, we always had one of those air poppers. Thanks for the lesson!

Priscilla said...

you make it look so good! I usually just do the microwave type being that i too do not own a popcorn maker...but since you said it was so easy, I'll have to give it a shot. And once you have s weaned, let's have a buttered-popcorn party! I think you deserve it!