Monday, September 12, 2005


Okay, I am going to post book reviews like my husband, but as you will see over time we tend to read very different books.

I recently finished Little House in the Ozarks: The Rediscovered Writings by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I love all the Little House books, and was thrilled to find this one among many books that my mother gave me. It is a collection of her writings for farm and community papers, articles that she wrote long before her books. Many of the articles are editorials-type, telling people The Way Things Should Be. Some are recollections of her childhood, and those are fun. I agree with a lot of her viewpoints and I really enjoyed this book a lot.

I also read Nights of Rain and Stars by Maeve Binchy. I don't usually read novels, but my mother gave me this one since she was through with it. It was nice, easy reading, and while it was enjoyable it was also rather predictable. Typical estranged-father-and-son-miss-each-other-but-neither-wants-to-give-in-first, sweet-girl-has-jerk-boyfriend-that-she-is-sure-is-just-misunderstood, etc., stories weave throughout. Get it from the library before you buy.

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