Thursday, August 25, 2005


Now that I am over the literally-falling-over-from-exhaustion period of new motherhood, I suddenly can't sleep. I find myself lying awake at night, listening for my daughter to wake up and need me. She often makes noises in her sleep, and I am instantly on alert, waiting to see if they turn from "sleeping" noises to "awake" noises.

Perhaps it is because she is still so tiny and vulnerable; perhaps I am paranoid; perhaps I need her during the night more than she needs me. Is it possible to be too attuned to your infant?

1 comment:

Arevanye said...

Ah, she's lucky to have such an attentive mother!

Do you use a baby monitor? That was my downfall. I thought I wouldn't hear my daughter in the next room, so ended up hearing every snuffle and finger-sucking. I finally turned it off, because if she needed me she had no problem crying LOUDLY.