Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Any suggestions?

I want to knit a baby gift for my nephew who was born in February, plus I have a new cousin-once-removed (a girl) that I want to knit something for as well. Since it's nearly summer and they both live in warm climates, I'm not sure what to make. My Ever Helpful husband suggested open-toed booties ("Just knit a tube"). I may just make little sweaters for the fall, but I'm worried about them fitting properly if I knit them so far in advance.

Anybody have any better ideas?


Holly said...

You know, someone knit a sweater for Elise that she only wore once. It was newborn size, and she outgrew it before it ever really got cold enough for her to wear it. But I love it. It's so little and cute. I've been looking for a pretty little hanger (you know those wrought iron ones with hearts or whatever on them?) to hang it on, and I plan to hang it on the wall in her room. So even if your sweaters don't fit the children perfectly, I would be willing to bet that they'd be well-loved anyway.

Beth said...

Thanks! That really makes me feel better about anything I make.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you knit a paperweight cover. That way, even if they don't own any paperweights, they can still just stick a rock inside it and it will make it look pretty.

Anonymous said...

Baby Bobbi Bear (from Blue Sky Alpaca) has solved my summer baby problem.